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Our band plays the music you want to hear played the way we like to play it...
We were officially born on the 3rd of July 2010.
Before this we were just close friends who liked hanging out and singing along to our favorite songs, it wasn't until we recorded our 2nd track
that we recognized ourselves as a band.
Our music comes from the combination of our different ideals into something that we all enjoy playing and package it all in such a way that is definitely worth hearing out.
The best thing about Poetic Island is that we don't have a specific genre... We deal with a vast range of musical influences namely Rap, Rock, Reggae, Soul, Rn B, Funk, Jazz and more...
Sinnikal One is the founder and official song writer for POETIC ISLAND
Check out his solo mixtape here
The idea of Poetic Island has been around for several years but it was never fully developed into a band and was using several different names at the time. With St. Anz added later on, it was the three members that often got together to talk about and write new songs and as we began to gain appreciation from the people around us it motivated us write even more songs. At once we realized that we needed a vocalist that we could rely on and were comfortable with. Having worked with him before, St. Anz was immediately incorporated into the group. ESL and Hilda were added later on, as were Dyon and Kenny.
The official birthdate of Poetic Island is the 3rd of July 2010, because it was at that time the members of Poetic officially recognized ourselves as a band.
At the time there was one guitarist,Razz, with Dyon as an additional member on bass and Mr. Rizky AE banging away on the drums. Holding the microphones were Hilda, ESL, St. Anz and Sinnikkal One (rapper). It was our second recording session as ESL and Hilda were featuring with Poetic Island at the time of Need You To Know and were not official members at the time, thus, while recording Smiling 4 No Reason, we were full of energy and enthusiasm as we all began to believe in ourselves and our music.
We all studied at the same institution, minus one, and being around each other everyday is probably the reason why you see so much fire from when Poetic are on stage. We study at a place full of creative types, performing arts and communication junkies, and all of us regularly think outside "the box". This is the reason why Poetic has so much chemistry and you can clearly see it when they play live.
The one chosen to lead the band was Razz, but for now the one in charge of creating all of Poetic Island's repertoire is the only one who can't speak Indonesian properly. If you can't guess, see if you can hear Poetic on stage and figure out who amongst all of us is the only one who isn't speaking much bahasa.
It is now 2011 and we started out with a bang, and the only place left to go is forward... Our targets for 2011 are to perform, perform and perform again, make a demo album, and release 6 original singles.By the end of this year, Poetic Island will have a playlist of 50 songs and won't havet the music that you want to hear, but the music that your mind will make you need to listen to.
It has been a year already since our journey began, a lot of things have happened, many problems and obstacles were faced, overcome or learnt from and we step forward once more ready to face whatever life has planned for us.
P.I to the SKY!!